Half of the world’s population lives by the coast, an increasingly precarious location – where the land meets the sea, where excessive development meets the power of nature, and where climate change impacts lives and ecosystems. Rising seas and climate change impact all of us but not in the same way. The Shore Line, a collaborative web documentary project, is a collection of interactive maps and over 40 videos featuring individuals who are confronting the threats of unsustainable development and extreme weather with persistence and imagination. The coast serves as metaphor and method – a way to challenge boundaries and narratives in addressing climate-disasters. This research-creation initiative was produced by Liz Miller and a team of collaborators including documentary makers, coders, biologists, artists, engineers, students, educators and more.
Selected Screenings
The Museum, “The Alarm: Responding to our climate emergency” (2020)
Coastal Futures Festival, Charlottesville (2019)
Ramsgate Festival, UK (2019)
Mendocino Film Festival (June, 2019)
EcoZine, Saragoza Spain (May 14th, 2019)
Barcelona Environmental Film Festival, FICMA, Spain (November 1 to 9th 2018)
Reece Museum, University of East Tennessee (September, 2018)
Association for the Sciences of Limnology & Oceanography (June, 2018, Feb, 2019)
Yorkton Film Festival (May, 2018)
Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival, Ithaca (April, 2018)
IDocs, Bristol, (March, 2018)
Rencontres Film Festival, RIDM, Montreal (November, 2017)
BIFED /Bozcaada International Festival for Ecological Documentary (October, 2017)
Cinema Ambiental CineEco de Seia (March, 2016).